Exotic Myths, Celestial, Clear.

by InterviewWithTheKat   Mar 8, 2007

SU) A phoenix burns, like summer sun.
And doves they flitter clear.
In bright night sky,
They soar so high,
Piercing like a spear.

AU) Beauty, stains so very dark,
Dead roses black he saw,
But no one cried,
Until she died,
Heavens celestial.

WI) Myths are lies, and hear lay myths,
And the winter knows,
The ice, it breaks,
The barley shakes
And winter slowly goes.

SP) The trees they drip, exotic fruit,
Like gentle silver falling.
The heat it seeps,
The wind it creeps,
They hear the creatures calling.

I know is a kinda weird poem, and doesn't really makes sense, (but that poetic license!) Though the more you read it, the more clear the meaning should become...
Oh, by the way, in case you didn't notice, (and probably didn't!) each stanza represents a different season as well! Read the key beside the stanza if you couldn't tell the difference!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Yuna

    I took your advice and read it over and over, finding it to understand more and more! I got much from this poem, and found it refreshing. I enjoyed reading it and now I shall read it again! great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by thing3

    Wow thats clever! u rok my soks kat!! 5/5

  • Wow im appalled at how great that was. i didnt get the letters at the beginning at first, then i figured it out and it made alot more sense. great write 5/5 keep em coming.