Lie lie lie

by I will love you Forever and not a day less   Mar 8, 2007

Why did you lie to me,
why couldn't I see,
that you are not right for me,
why couldn't I see,
see you we're cheating on me,
why oh why,
couldn't I see,
that you where not,
right for me,
why did I believe all your lies,
I cant believe I feel,
feel for all those words,
Like I love you,
and I never want to hurt you,
those we're all,
why oh why,
did u do this to me,
You are such a fool,
Cuz You will "NEVER" get me back,
You hurt me,
and I don't ever want to talk to you,
ever again,
I repeat NEVER, NEVER, NEVER AGAIN..............
U hurt me so bad,
so just go,
and "LEAVE/LET ME BE"..........


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  • 17 years ago

    by SweetDreamz

    All your poems convey alot of strong emotions. I love it. :P

  • 17 years ago

    by Kersten

    Well i really like this i just out of a relationship just like it he said that he loved me with all his heart and then i find out he was with my best friend behind my back he said he would never hurt me after i forgave him but ya no once a dog always a dog and thats what he was a DOG a week later he was with my sister to this day a HATE him.........

    thanks for your comment on Can she escape her fate......

  • 17 years ago

    by Gemmie Lou

    Loved this xxx

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