My love for you!

by ambah   Mar 9, 2007

I will always be here for you baby, threw thick and thin!
I want to spend forever with you, if we can last till then!
I love you more than life itself. And hope we don't fall apart!
Because what we have is special, and it all comes from the heart!
I am sorry for all the lies you hear.
Just trust me, there not true!
Why would i ruin something and someone so perfect for some who is not?
I'm giving you my heart. I'm giving you my all. So my life rest with you baby cause you are where i belong!!!!!

**For my baby boy blas!! i love you=]]*


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  • 18 years ago

    by blas

    Hey baby girl listen i love u so much and i dont ever want to lose u u mean soooooooooooooooo much to me i promiss u that ill alwase be ther 4 u when ever u need me i love u baby blas.

  • 18 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    I like it it is so sweet and gorgeous
    good work!
    i love people who feel as deeply as u.