
by Kelsea   Mar 9, 2007

Some people write their poetry
with quite astounding mediocrity
Those who don't veiw poems as a form of art
Write so carelessly
and it breaks my heart

Some people will choose a poet as their idol
I have heard about Poe so many times
(the raven man)
It's one that I can't stand

But if someday you find bad poetry knocking at your door
then quoth the raven


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  • 17 years ago

    by Esther

    Lol, i take it u take poetry very seriously, but i guess its int he eyes of the beholder whether poetry is an art, but i like the meaning

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    I liked that poem, its rhythm is pretty good.
    It was meaningful too, I can see it means a lot to you, and also with poems like this...i understand why there is no specific title.

    take care, Sarah

  • 17 years ago

    by azii

    Great poem
    I liked it a lot!
    Good job

    Keep up the good work!
    && Take care!

  • 17 years ago

    by Rocky

    I really rather liked that poem. amusing and quite clever. i also dilike poes work and every poem i did in school.
    Good work
    Love is the law. love under will