For years I looked up to you
As a person
And a best friend
I thought we'd be friends forever
But you somehow managed to change that
You lied to me
Put your boyfriends above me
I was just a cover up
A back-up story
To tell your parents when you snuck out
I put up with it for a lot longer than I should have
But I can't take it any longer
I'm sick of your lies
I'm sick of your pity role
It's your fault guys hurt you
Not mine
You tried to tell me how to run my relationship
That I needed to "do more" to keep him with me
But ask yourself this question
Did it ever work for you?
As much as this may hurt you
I'm sorry
Not for writing this
And not for the way I feel
But for the fact that you were never really there
You yelled at me for never telling you my feelings
When I'm sad
Or when I'm mad
Yet when I came to you when he hurt me
Did you help me?
You told me to get over it
I could find better
And that he never even cared
When it was partially your fault he left
If we went somewhere without you
You yelled
All you ever wanted was attention
even if I wanted to fix this
It's impossible
I don't want to fix this
Just so you constantly can ditch me
for your over controlling boyfriend
You whine and complain about how your life sucks
But do you ever try to do anything about it?
So what your sister yells at you
There are more people out there
With bigger problems
Get over it.
So now I'm saying goodbye to you
For the final time
No more "ifs ands or buts"
This is it
Have a nice life
Without me in it
for good.