I LoSt My AnGeL!!!

by Saravana Kumar S   Apr 8, 2004

Walking side by side,
looking into each other eyes,
we kept all our trouble aside,
and sat beneath the moonlight skies.

holding each others hand,
u looked so beautiful in front of me,
like an angel with a magic wand,
coming down for the world to see.

All of a sudden u fell,
fainting into my lap,
the fear in my heart,i couldn't tell,
as i began to gasp.

the doctor told me,
u had brain tumor,
i couldn't believe,it could be
my angel with such a good sense of humor.

day by day,
your condition got worse,
"God y did u do this",plz say
giving my angel such a big curse.

Looking into your eyes,
i knew what u were trying to say,
its time for me to reach the skies,
and please don't follow in my way.

Little by little,slowly and slowly,
ur hand began to slip away from me,
u closed ur eyes and tears began to flow,
from my eyes because "I Lost My Angel".


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  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Ii loved this one too this is how i feel!!

  • 20 years ago

    by TaTy

    Wow, this poem is really deep, I liked it a lot, and i can totally understand what you are feeling. I have lost many people in my life, and just yesterday we lost a good friend to the family. He was ready to go as well, and I'm kind of sad because I couldn't say goodbye, since he is in Florida And I am in California. But my prayers are with his family today at the bariel. Keep writting, you are a great writer. (5) =)