I tell you to grow up
When you act like a child
You haven't seen life
You haven't lived
But you tell me I'm wrong
For the things I do
You tell me you have lived
That at 15 you've seen it all
But have you ever cried in the night
Knowing no one could hear
And even if they did
They wouldn't help
Have you ever watched your blood flow
Just to know you are alive
Have you ever stared at the pills
And wondered why or why not
Or have you scraped your knee
And decided thats bad
That life can't get worse
Than not owning that new bike
Heres news for you
Grow up
Theres worse out there than no bike
Like no family
No friends
No reason to live
Parents who hurt you in ways more than saying no
Siblings who do things siblings never should
Try holding a knife
And wondering how deep you can go
Without bleeding too much
Try looking for something duller
So you can punish yourself more
Try realizing you will never be enough
Then maybe you will understand
Then you will know why I say
Grow up