Friendship Ring

by BeautifulxMess   Mar 11, 2007

As little girls, we start off at the age of three.
High ponytails, with ribbons hanging down.
Little play houses; You find them in a tree.
No Boys Allowed; Red ink signs enjoined around.

Little pinkie rings; We promise to be best friends.
Dreams; Wishes, we hope for a lot of money.
Secret places; We make a tent under our bed.
Fights made; You took my chocolate chip cookie

Middle school arrives; We're cool 6th graders.
Boys: Allowed; I want him to be all mine.
Another fight; You took him from me, traitor!
Make up again; He wasn't worth my time.

High school now; Fresh-meat they like to call.
Phone calls stop; She has a new best friend.
Broken hearts; She never broke my fall.
Empty soul; We promised until the very end.

Cries break out; I wish I could have her again.
Boys come and go; They can't have my heart.
Lies speak out; Of course she's the one to blame.
Friends Forever; She is backsliding apart....

As Life goes on; Friends are her biggest fear.
Honesty relinquishes; Will I ever feel better?
Happiness feuds; I missed her all these years.
Pinkie Rings falls; Friends can't last forever.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexa Eudis

    Thats so sad...thats certainly true about some people, but think some people are good for it

  • 17 years ago

    by Polaroid

    I really enjoyed that, it was a joy to read, great work

  • 17 years ago

    by XxFallenxFromxGracexX

    Naww this was a really nice poem it was a little confusing but in the end i understood it completely and its so true everything about it!!! it really made me think and feel the words
    great poem like all your others!!
    luv fallen xx

  • 17 years ago

    by skynerraw

    Aw.. nice write, I liked reading this poem, you're a great writer! Even though I'm sad t sat :P that is true, already for me :( Well great poem! 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr O

    Very nice. I like poetry that shows a progression of time, and this does that wonderfully.
    Keep writing and I'll keep reading.