My final words before I leave this friendship!!

by PJ   Mar 11, 2007

Lately I've been thinking
About everything that's happened
Thinking more along the lines
Our friendship cannot be mended

I know u might be thinking
I'm regretting losing u as a friend
But the thing is
I'm thinking about all the lies u told, but I thought u were faithful and true

Was it too much to ask
When I ask u for the truth?
Obviously it is
Because u lied to me then too

What was it?
U couldn't handle telling the truth
Or is that
U wanted to see me suffer when I found out

U won
U saw me hurt that night
U knew I was crying
U knew I was burning deep inside

U didn't have a conscience
U didn't care
What the hell have I done
I was always there

Even when I couldn't help
I was there to listen
U thanked me for that
Did u not mean it?

U saw the hate and anger come out
Did u want that to happen?
Did u intend for all this?
Did u mean a word u ever said
In 6 f**king years?

Even though I'm thinking about
All the great times we had together
I'm also thinking about all the times u lied
I'm realizing a lot of stuff about u now

All the stuff I refused to see
All the stuff I blinded to see
By a friendship
That I was thought was true

I'm not regretting the fight we had
I dont regret all the hurt that night
Although I do regret letting u see it
I dont regret what I'm about to say

All the shit that came your way
I was always there to catch your fall
All the times we argued
I always forgave u when u said Sorry

Now I realize all this faithfulness u showed
Was nothing but fake
I understand what u did
But I dont understand why u did it

There's one more thing I want to say
This is true and it is final
I didn't get to say it to u that night
But here it is so hold your breath:



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  • 18 years ago

    by Han84

    Hey gd poem hun!!
    shows so much in it and you canr read between the lines and see and imagine when n how this happened tht night!!

    believe me wen i say this..... if u two were tht great friends ull b firends again.....


  • 18 years ago

    by Stacey

    Good poem 5/5 im going through something like this with a friend too. you explain it very well