by Deanna   Mar 11, 2007

I still remember that morning, it was seven years ago from today
The policemen came, knocked on our door, and said God had taken you away
They also said many other things, but most I can't remember
All that I knew at that moment, was my life had just been shattered
Why would God take my Mother, when my own life had just started to begin
Did he decide one morning to just put it all to an end?
I went into my room and layed down on my bed
I sat there and tried to think of the last words that were said
Well now it's seven years later Mom, and this pain is hard to bear
When I see other girls with their Mothers, its hard for me not to stare
Most people, who have one, take their Moms for granted,
Like, I guess having a Mother is just so expected.
There are so many things I wish I could tell you, other people can't understand
Like when I got my first period, or my very first boyfriend.
I wish you could watch me learn and grow,
and I wish I could tell you things other people can't know
There are so many things I wish you could see
Overall.. I just wish you were here with me.
But now you're in a better place, and you have no worries or pain
I cant wait until the day that I will be able to see you again!

I wrote this poem today [January 6th, 2007] in memory of my Mom, Christie Michelle Blozik (Davenport), who passed away seven years ago in a car accident.


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  • 17 years ago

    by ♥Leah♥

    This is an amazing poem! and i'm sorry about you're mom.

    <3, Leah

  • 18 years ago

    by Terra

    This is a wonderful poem and you really made me think of my mom, thank you so much and I will be thinking of your loss.

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