by SHYSTY23KO   Mar 11, 2007

I hear words from the lips of the ones unspoken
I see life in the eyes of the ones unwoken.

I see a shine on the ones who've always been shun
I know the ending to the story thats just begun

I know the reaction to the action be for it happened
I've been where her tears came from while you sit there laughing.

I live with the ones who've long been missed.
i live in the moment you'll forever reminisce.

I feel her touch though she's been gone for years.
I keep a smile on my face while i face your fears.

I kept what no one else wanted to keep.
I continued on when all were scared to venture so deep.

I know the feelings that you hide inside.
I know the unknown, there's no way you can hide.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Great poem... I liked it a lot, but it would sound better if these lines rhymed:
    I know the reaction to the action be for it happened
    I've been where her tears came from while you sit there laughing.
    .... tough one huh