Snow White

by Jessica   Mar 12, 2007

Snow White, So Bright
To see the snow fall tonight
And to see the stars shine
Brings chills up my spine

Snowflakes fall so softly
Each one unique
They fall without sound
As they silently hit the ground

The blanket covering the earth that i fall into
So cold and white
Makes me wonder if it stays as pristine
throughout the night

Snow White, So Bright
Do you see the snow fall tonight?
Do you see the stars shine so brightly
through the cloudy mist of air?


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Megamidget3

    Great job! one thing...spelling mistake, u didnt capitalize the 'i'...other then that, good flow! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    It has wonderful flow. Great job!