Terminal seconds

by Lenny   Mar 12, 2007

Two stuttered words
One stumbled step
Long-chorded music
Then the death,

Terminal seconds,
Saving a life,
Then sudden movement,
And shes in the strife,

Falling, one witness,
In silence she stares
Then turns and tends
To her other affairs,

Darkness? A scream?
Wheres my splash?
The blood, the resolve,
A heros dash?

Suspense is the killer,
Hiding her eyes,
And the question remains,

Is this how truth dies?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I liked this but some parts of the flow went off I think it was just due to the rhyme then lack of rhyme in some places. I didn't feel this poem as much as I did with your others I just felt as though something was missing unlike the rest and I believe that to be strength. The meaning wonderful honestly I loved that it was interesting. The word choice simple and effective so i'm really unsure what it is. I guess it's just personal choice. Still a good read. ~Mel

  • 18 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    Yea perfect flow and control of pace.. this is this is what i like, improvement. love it.. wish u could critique more.. u got ur style down well