The legend of Jael(this isnt slang, Jael confused it)

by Ruthie   Mar 12, 2007

The war has been growing
For so many years
The smell of battle
Brings famine and fears

She peers out the tent
And breathes a sigh
A wish to be male
With the terror that's nigh

To make a difference
Not and bread
She must think of Kosher
And the prayers to be read

Her husband Heber
is shallow and weak
Sits with men like Jabin
Who domination seek

Oh to be a man
And not abide by her law
To throw away veils
She was meant for more

She starts for the well
But then her eyes see
Jabin fleeing battle
How can this be?

He left all behind
that cowardly man
her mind starts working
On a brilliant plan

She turns on a smile
And calls out his name
Asks him to come
Without any shame

Clean as her tent
He'd not fought at all
But abandoned his men
To take his fall

Choking her rage
She offers him food
Her new drawn water
To dull his foul mood

Gives him a blanket
And offers him rest
Whispers a promise
To watch the large crest

The army is coming
Pursuing their foe
Over the vast hills
And deep valley low

But what they don't know
Or could ever foresee
A lowly young women
Setting them free

For as they are chasing
She is waiting
Until he's asleep
Succumbed to her baiting

Now is her moment
She grasps the tent peg
There's no going back
Asleep he can't beg

The hammer drives down
The peg's through his head
All Israel rejoice
Your tormentor is dead

She walks outside her home
Declares no longer meek
"Come and I will show you
the man whom you all seek"

This women is a legend
Her life an awesome tale
No man could take away
The courage of Jael


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sourav

    This is a great write... Very well written!

  • 18 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    WOW! That was AMAZING! I forgot to come try to read your poems the other day, even after your comment. Anyway, this was a 10/5!! I LOVED IT!!! I LOVE history. I like to write/read historical poetry. I have one called "Freaks on Parade" about how, in Rome, the losers of a war were marched down the streets (in a parade) of the winning city/country and to a stadium to be brutally killed. Well, anyway, 5, BABE! This was GREAT! I'm going to read it again!