Comments : Final Fin

  • 18 years ago

    by angelina

    Your words are really stronge and i can realate to your work ... i also really like the way your poem was set up ...

    i dont really get the fin part .. if you dont mind can you send me and email or something and explain im just curious

  • 18 years ago

    by Black night

    Thought this was a really good poem, and again, it had a dark twist to it. It had deep lines of emotion within it, and i thought that made it stronger. I also liked the way you wrote it, as if talking to the knife, gun and rope. Made it stronger. in two words, great job. ;)
    again definatly
    keep up the amazing work.
    -Black night-

  • 17 years ago

    by Black night

    Thought id leave the comment on this poem, i would look at 'the rape' however all the computors in the sixth form have stupid filters on and wont let me read it and the only computor with internetr access at home is my dads and he's set up this wierd filter aswell, so neither will let me read it as its in'explicit poems' sorry. I still really want top read it though, its just i cant.
    am waitin for more of your work, havnt seen a red number by your name for a while now.
    -Black night-