My First Kiss With You

by Mackenzie   Mar 12, 2007

When you took me in that room
After school one day
It had only been a month
But it had seemed like forever.
It was the last day of school
And I wouldn't see you for the next three months of our relationship.
We sat there a while.
You kept saying under your breath
"I want to".
A couple more seconds went by
Then you leaned in
And pecked my lips.
The moment flew by.
The butterflies that were resting silently
Went nuts fluttering around.
Then you held me tight.
We left that room and said our goodbyes for three months.
That moment replayed forever
Not letting me forget it
And leave it in the cobweb drawers of my mind
That memory made the butterflies spaz agian.
But no matter what I will never forget
My First Kiss With You


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  • 18 years ago

    by Alec

    Thats really sweet Kenz! I loved it

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