Comments : I remember!!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Yeah i had like a month to do both of my projects....but i didnt start them until yesterday...and i finished one, and im working on the other now...yes i hung out w. shane today haha...we chilled at his house...and i just got home time for me to work on my project haha...comment back!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Heyy... could you please comment and rate my poem "My one and only"..shane wrote it for me, haha, and i was wondering what you thought!! thanks!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Heyy!! my days been sooo busy... i had lacrosse practice from 9 until like 3:30, so im extremely tired... and they just pushed back my softball time from like 4:30 to 7 to like 6:30 to like 9...and i was supposed to hang w. shane at 8:30, but i guess thats what happens..well just have to hang out later than taht haha... im soo tired from lacrosse, and im gonna have to leave soon for softball ahh!! ahaha..comment back!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Heyy!!!!! idk if i already asked you, but do you have an AIM sn? case you do, mines xoLAXox08... haha.. idk if i already told you this, my me and shane went iceskating the other night, and we fell down on the ice and he started kissing me, since we were the only ones there bc shane rented the place... and he saidd he had something to give me , so he gives me roses, and a tiffanys engraved heart bracelet that says Sara&Shane 3.14.07... i love it!!!....comment backkk

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    My brother was home hahaha.. omg guess what!!... he now goes out w. my best friend!!...its so funny, me and his bff, and him and mine.. maybe one time when we talk online, i can show you some pics of shane, and me and my bro, and my friends and stuff haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Oh online right now...its 8:50... so yeah idk what time you sent the other message, but if you see this soon, ill most likely be online haha...comemnt backk

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Hey!...sorry i couldnt get back to you sooner.. i was over shanes house like all day yesterday, until 2 am... haha.. and then my mom got soo madd at me, because i had to get up @ 7 for a lacrosse game... and then i had softball afterwards... so i just got home haha... but yeah comment back! was your day yesterday and today?!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Haha yeah we were having fun.. haha.. i guess you can say we lost track of time.. haha.. idk when you sent the last comment, but its like 5:40 right now, so if you get this ill most likely be online haha..comment back.. thats great your day was beautiful haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Can you comment and rate my new poem sweetest kisses... thanks gooffyyy.. i wrote it for shane haha... thanks!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Thanks for the comment... i dont think i ever told you about me and shane.. but yeah.. so a couple days ago my guy friend tyler hugged me in the hallway at school, and shane walked by, and he got really mad @ me... and i can understand why tho, bc he was cheated in before, but i would never cheat on anyone... so online that night, he told me "he didnt trust me", and he was definitly going to break up w. me... i was just like shane i <3 you soo much- lets just take a break.. so we took a break, and the next day he comes over my house to chill w. ryan, and he comes into my room, and says that he trusts me or w.e and how he missed me so much, and he asked me out again.. haha.. but yeah... comment backkk... are you online right now?

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Thanks for commenting my poem... i appreciate it, and omg guess what me and shane broke up w. e.o... yeah i know but thats okay... comment back!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Hey nothing really... are you online now? i am haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Idk if i told you but my sn is xoLAXox08 haha... what about you...? haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Im doing pretty good... like me and shane are still friends and all- actually im going to junior prom with him in a couple of weeks, so thats good... and my ex, drew, came up from fl(hes the one i went out w. for 2 years), and hes been soo cool, and i realy like seeing him and stuff so im doing really good thanks.... what about you?

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Haha yeah!!!! soo sad!... hes leaving in the late afternoon tomorrow to go back to florida... he came up here for spring break, and our last day of spring break is tmrrw... so yeah im really sad about that, especially since im prolly not gonna see him again until like over the summer break... so yeah... comment back!!! haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Oh yeah.. would you mind commenting and rating my new poem "everlasting love". drew gave this to me!!! haha thank ya goofy! haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Yeah!!! todays the last day of spring break haha... we had it all of this week that just past... haha when did/do you have it?

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Oohh awesome... umm i went to the mall, hung out w. my friends, had a party at my house, chilled, had soo many LAX and softball games, and i worked haha.... yeah thats about it haha.. comment back!! haha

  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    Yes i do work haha i work part time at this dance studio that i go to, like i teach a class, and i work at the batting cages haha...

    haha no thats not me in the picture... thats my bff Billie, and when she came over one day she made my pic of her bc she wanted to have a pic of her on here hahaha... but yeah people say me and her look like sisters haha