Poor, Precious Teddy Bear

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 14, 2007

Why, darling Teddy Bear,
Do you sit and cry?
Why are your salty tears
Falling from your eyes?

Please, cuddly Teddy Bear,
Stop it with the tears.
I will do as you've always done -
I'll take away your fears.

Come on, sweet Teddy Bear,
Tell me why you're sad.
You know you can always talk to me,
It won't be so bad!

Wonderful, little Teddy Bear,
Please tell me what to do.
The way you've always comforted me,
I want to do for you.

Poor, precious Teddy Bear,
I now see what is wrong:
You're afraid I don't love you anymore
As I am no longer young.

Oh, beautiful Teddy Bear,
I'll never let you go.
You will always and forever
Be my little baby, you know.

Wherever I go, fluffy Teddy Bear,
You will come with.
Apart is something
We will never drift.

04 July 2007


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