Peaceful Thoughts

by Joe Dirt   Mar 14, 2007

When I heard the news.
It was such a troubling time dealing with your pass.
Time went by, but the wounds never healed.
I'm left with the pain that everyone else feels.

Your holy words that you preeched.
Are everything to me.
But theres still a piece missing inside.

You gave me the courage to live again.
Took away all of the misery and the pain.
You saved a life.
A life I wouldnt be living today.

Showed me my dreams are never too far.
You showed me the right road to go on to achieve it all.
You told me not to ever let go of what you love.
And I cant thank you enough.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Hope

    Is diz jst a shorter version of lay at rest?? coz it soundz da same...

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