You Incline Your Ear

by Stephanie   Mar 15, 2007

When no one ever listened
You were there even if I could not see you
And, yet I still know that you cared
You are still here by my side
Together we walk, hand in hand

I have always defended you
For you did the same
We help each other out with almost everything
And, because of you I can have happiness
Now like a statue, tall with pride, I do stand

Through my youth, you have supported me
And lent me your soft, caring hand
You inclined your ear and to me listened
For that I will always show gratitude
And now I pray you accept my sorrow and prayers

For I have stood up for you
I have proved my love
I want to be your servant
I'll take anything from the world:
Insults, persecution, and their constant stares

Yes, I am ready to be faithful
I call upon you waiting for approval
I beg you to take me in
I love you Jehovah
Please receive me with love

I know I am but a mere human,
But you are the only one who can bring me to salvation
You, yourself are almighty
O, Jah, do pay attention
You're able to do so from high above

I call upon you with sincerity in my heart
I wish to be your slave girl
I am thirsty for life giving water
I am willing to do all you say
I desire refreshment through your son

Indeed, I am ready for orders
I have a love rooted in me
I speak with pleading
I wish to be yours
I am awaiting approval by the Holy one

Great God Jehovah, I call upon you for I know you shall listen
And I am assured you shall hear my saying
I ask; you answer
I cry; you console
I am afraid; you remove fear

For all you have done, I am thankful
No one could care more
No one could console better
No one could listen better,
For you do incline your ear


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