Who I Am

by BeautifulxMess   Mar 15, 2007

I bottle up my emotions and try to set them free.
I'm caught between a fighter and a cipher.â—‹
And I act the opposite of what I ought to be.

Why do friends treat you so brutally wrong?
How do you still stand after being knocked down?
And why does family make you feel like you don't belong?

Everything seems to be great for a while.
Before you know it your on your hands and knees.
And the debris of your heart fades away that smile.

It's like 5 o'clock traffic is racing in your heart.
A rocket shot right through your neck.
And all the lights of the city become muted dark.

All my worries never seem to leave my mind.
It haunts my happinesses bearing.
And all I can think about is a new life to find.

But my love life is better than before.
He saved me from my sosorriness|_And he opened up a brand new door.

My life is crazy; my heart though is pure.
I can be trustworthy; I can be a pain.
But I'll never tell a secret that's for sure.

You think I'm a nobody but think again.
If you don't like the way I can be, too bad.
You can't change me, because it's who I am.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This is another real good poem, your poetry really reflects who you are which seems like a real genuine character, im glad to have read your poetry, i will read more when i havetime :D

    xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Wow. Very nice. It flowed well, & was very.. honest. Lol. I liked the topic of this & how it was written. There are a few of the crazy symbol thingies. But you can't fix that cos of that stupid 'edit' button that's not working :]

    My life is crazy; my heart though is pure.
    I can be trustworthy; I can be a pain.
    But I'll never tell a secret that's for sure.

    You think I'm a nobody but think again.
    If you don't like the way I can be, too bad.
    You can't change me, because it's who I am.

    ^ I ABSOLUTLEY LOVEDDD THESE TWO STANZAS. So amazing. & The last stanza was PERFECT. I feel the same exact way! It's great. Everyone should think like this.

    Amazing write, darlin'.

    Bri [x]

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    "You think I'm a nobody but think again.
    If you don't like the way I can be, too bad.
    You can't change me, because it's who I am."

    I think a lot of people could do with taking heed of that last stanza.
    Well done sweets