Her brother and sister takes her to the park
they have their boxes with all the things their ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriends gave them
they long for closure, they long to be set free from the pain they still feel about them
they burn the things they have given them
to let the frustration and pain be set free in the flame of the fire, as the stories and letters crumble in the flame and turn into ash
the tears begin to flow so no one can see but her
the pain floods her heart and mind that the memories begin to show in her thoughts
the good and bad times begin to go as a slide show through her mind, it hurts, she can't help but pray to God that He will set her free
the memories and thoughts of him begin to fade and peace and joy of being with her bro and sis begin to overcome the hurt and pain in her heart
she wipes the last tears she hopes to cry over the boy that broke her heart
as the things are