Love Is A Sweet Thing

by aDORKable x3   Mar 15, 2007

Love is a sweet thing
It comes at you fast
But it's a beautiful thing

Love is kind of mysterious
It moves in weird ways
It could be right in front of you
And you might never notice it

It hides away, waiting, hoping
To be provoked to come out

But Love, she understands
She waits for you until you're ready

Love Is A Sweet Thing.


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  • 17 years ago

    by BrixGoesxRawr

    Aw. I adore this. It's so cute & oh so very true.

    It flowed really well & the beginning really drew me in.

    It comes at you fast
    But it's a beautiful thing

    ^ OH!! SO much truth in these beautifully written lines

    Love is kind of mysterious
    It moves in weird ways
    It could be right in front of you
    And you might never notice it

    ^ Speak the truth, dear :]

    Haha. that's what I like in this poem.. how true it is..

    Breathtaking poem, Sweetie.

    Bri [x]