If I Had a Time Machine

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 17, 2007

If I had a time machine
What would i change?
I'd go back to when I was small
And I would take more time to play.
I wouldn't be so interested
In the adult world around me,
But rather in the wonders of the Earth
That have been given to me.
i would take back my innocence
That was stolen from me
And replace the fear instilled upon me
With the happiness and joy of a child.
I would become myself
And not be a creation
Of someone else's desires.
Instead of being naive and gullible
I'd have wisdom
To know the difference
Between what is right and wrong.

With all these things changed,
My life would be different,
so completely different.
But one thing
Will still be there -
The one factor
That makes all happen -

11 August 2004


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  • 17 years ago

    by silvershoes

    This is a wonderful write. Original and meaningful. Nice job!