Nothing But Emptiness

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 17, 2007

Alone I sit
In this large room
Filled with emptiness.
There is no sound,
No scent,
Nothing but emptiness.

Suddenly a sound breaks the silence.
It's a girl crying.
Her sobs are painful,
There is no one else in the room
So where is this crying girl?

I realise the sobs are my one -
I am the one crying.
Crying out of loneliness.
Crying out of pain.
Why am I alone this empty room?
Where is the man I love?

17 May 2004


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  • 17 years ago

    by silvershoes

    A little confusing, but an enjoyable read. The story starts emotionless, and then sorrowful, and then jumps to lost love.

  • 17 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Aww..very good poem except for tht mayb u should extend it a lil..