I feel so alone,
i feel so afraid,
Why did this happen to me
Out of all people. why me?
No one,
Can understand,
How i feel at this point
I feel so cold.
I'm paranoid,
I'm scared,
Iv tried to get over things,
But i feel the need to worry.
I crave,
For the feeling,
Of feeling safe,
I just want to be ok.
I hear things,
I see things,
Every noise i hear,
I think someones there.
I feel the need to cry,
Just maybe it will help,
Make it will make things go away.
Ever since,
We found out,
Someone had been watching me,
Every night.
I cant sleep,
I'm scared to breathe,
I'm afraid to close the door,
I think He's still watching me
No one understands,
What I'm undergoing,
They think I'm fine,
I make it seem that way.[i don't want them to worry]
Everyone i look at,
I see differently,
My mind is now F'd up
I think I'm beginning to go insane
This torture
That he is putting me through
I just wish he knew
How much pain he has caused me
Just maybe,
He would confess,
To relief the pain stowed upon me
No one tries,
To help me,
I need help,
I need to forgive and forget.
PLEASE ANYONE, that reads this. just understand. that this did happen to me, there had been someone at my window starring at me, and he had been doing it for a long time, i had thought it was mice....but now i know it was someone watching me.
please comment. you might not like it. but it means a lot to be because it expresses how i feel.