Feeling Numb

by Crissi Addiction   Mar 17, 2007

Of all the things you have said,
I heard nothing.
Of all the contusions,
I felt not a prick of pain.
Of all the tears I have cried,
I could not figure why,
I felt nothing.
But today I got the answer.
It was as plane as the look on your face.
My emotions are long dead.
My hard heart was put on ice.
I have gained the sense to ask for help.
The specialists say to take a pill.
They do not help,
But I know one thing.
I am close to an over dose.
I have one thing to say,
My suicidal thoughts have been hardly kept at bay.
So I have I will take my actions.
I will take the little shaving razor,
And pop out the calling blades.
Slide them across my waiting vein’s,
And watch as my vision blurs.
With my one last breath,
I will whisper,
“Goodbye my dear.”


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