Puppet Show Pantoum

by mookoo   Mar 18, 2007

Ageless puppets clamor to life form their hiding
Shake their dust and begin their pitter-pattering dance
Swinging on thick twisted shackles and binds
Flipping and dipping in a steady-beating trance

Shake their dust and begin a pitter-pattering dance
Youthful eyes scanning the dance to and fro
Flipping and dipping in a steady-beating trance
Bright eyes lighted by a whimsical glow

Youthful eyes scanning the dance to and fro
Nothing as sweet to find as still they have pined
Bright eyes heated by this whimsical glow
Welcome to childish satire and imaginative minds

Nothing as sweet to find as still they have pined
Ageless puppets clamor to life from their hiding
Welcome to childish satire and imaginative minds
Swinging on thick twisted shackles and binds


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