We have known eachother forever
We have grown together
You have changed so much
as I have too.
We didn't speak for awhile
and then we found ourselves again
I no longer felt inferior
You are my best friend
I went through hardships
with you, for you
You were by my side in pain
I tried to be the best friend I could be
Through school we drifted
you went your way and
I went mine
I grew up way too fast
and you threw you cares away
I have a baby
and you have a roommate
I love you so much
for letting me see
that I can be young occasionally
I have responsibilities
that differ from yours
We can be ourselves
and enjoy ourselves
I love hanging with you
You are my best friend for life.
*I know this is now that good, but that is about my best friend Heather. We didn't speak for a couple years but a couple times. And now we speak and hang out regularly. And I love her for the person she is trying to be. and for accepting me and all my flaws.*