My Sixth Sense

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Mar 19, 2007

As I take yet another cold shower
To keep my mind off of things
I notice every single drop of water hit my skin
And then I watch them all fall to the floor

I can only explain this in one way
I'm sure you've heard about people
Who are deaf, blind or mute
How they have an increased sense somewhere else

Well, my theory is this
When I had your love in my heart
It was my sixth sense
Now without it, I have an increased sense
Of the ability to feel things

This doesn't stop at physical feelings either
No, it goes deeper into my very emotions
Sadness hurts more and happiness feels brand new
Actually what happiness feels like
I haven't the slightest clue

I do know depression and heart ache however
They've even become my greatest friends
They told me that they will be with me
Till this ends

The only person that could replace my new buddies
Is you my darling and only you
But that thought is just so preposterous
That's like saying that the grass is blue

I want you back
Can't you see
It shouldn't be him
It should be me!

I want it all back
Not just you as a whole
I want your love too
I want my sixth sense
What is a lost cause to do?

----------------------To P.G.------------------------------


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  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow this was a very deep poem i liked it 5/5