My Kind of Girl…I Found Her

by The Forgotten Poet   Mar 19, 2007

The kind of girl I would like is as simple as this,
a girl that I can love, adore, hug, and kiss,
a girl that has a smile that’s unique to me,
and for the rest of time I can keep happy,

A girl that wants to be called beautiful instead of hot,
one that loves me for "me" and not for what I got,
one that doesn't want to know about my life one bit,
but wants to live it, and be a part of it,

A girl that I can hold in my arms,
keeping her warm and out of harm,
one I can apologize to when I do something wrong,
and wait for forgiveness, no matter how long,

A girl I can point to and say "that’s my girl",
one that can smile and make my mind swirl,
a girl that I can keep company when she feels lonely,
and understands that if she needs anyone, there’s me,

A girl that I can continue to adore,
and love with three words and even more,
one that seems to make my life much better,
and a girl I can love and adore forever and ever,

These are some things that I look for in a girl,
there are so many more that make my mind twirl,
a girl like this, would be perfect to meet,
a girl like this, has made my life complete.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    This is truly beautiful. Everyone needs happiness and I think you've truly found it. Perfect in every way, you have a beautiful way with words. 5/5, Em

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    This is so simple, but so amazingly written. Flowed well and ur rhyme scheme was excellently done. This is beautiful. Very sweet. From what ive read you really have the voice for the love poetry. You write it so well. If that even makes sense? lol sorry. Anyways, nice work. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Awww.. this is very beautiful from beginning to end. i want a guy that would love me for me and wouldnt want to change me not one bit. hehe i love it. and a gurl too. hmm.. well it truly a wonderful poem u have writen here. i love it. =) 5/5

    TaKe CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by Vanessa

    This is a very clever poem with all the ryhming and the fantastic flow! I love it! and give it a huge.. 5/5
    good job

  • 16 years ago

    by Unamed

    OMG! this was soo sweet....i like it when u said that u want some one that will love you for being YOU, and i think that is sooo true....

    and i think its what we ultimatly look for, beside love ofcourse..

    anyways this was really sweet, and i absolutly loved it!

    <3 Aly