Birthday poem

by Juan and Nayeli forever   Mar 19, 2007

This birthday wish is coming to you
And I want to acknowledge all that you do

But first let me tell you how this poem came to be
I had some trouble this morning, as you will soon see

I went into town to get a birthday card
But dang it, at home I had left my debit card

So I decided to write you this poem instead
The thought of going back to town had filled me with dread

You've loved your family from the very start
What you and mom have created can never be torn apart

You've always been there whenever I needed
You make me feel special by the way I am treated

You are my father for which I am glad
Without you in my life I would be truly sad

You've made me laugh, you've made me cry
You've let me make my own decisions because you knew I had to try

For you as a father I have no complaint
I love you to pieces, but I know you’re no saint

I cherish the closeness that we now share
I want you to know how very much I care

You are the gift that was given to me
Your love for me is truly the key

To sum it all up, just let me say
I love you, I love you, each and everyday
Happy Birthday Delia


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