Join Me

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 20, 2007

The words tattooed on my soul,
Cannot compare to the pain in my heart.
But the ink seeps in,
Turning my soul dark -
Staining it black.
It runs through my veins,
Throughout my body,
Right to my heart,
Colouring it the colour of Death.

But the poison of the ink
Doesn't harm my heart -
It's been dead for years.
My heart is an empty cavity.

And where my heart once was,
Now lies a child,
Battered and bruised,
Sad and alone,
Living but wanting to die.

That child was once me,
But I have since been reborn.
I now walk with the Reaper
And I have nothing left to fear.
But still I'm lonely,
And have one favour to ask of you -
Join me in death,
For this world,
It isn't worth living.

05 June 2006


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  • 17 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    I love the imagery and the vocabulary in this poem, especially the first 5 lines. I liked how you compared your heart to a child, and I also liked how you changed the length of the stanzas each time. The only error I caught was the second stanza, second line. "Doesn't my hurt" didn't make sense to me, maybe I'm just not reading it properly though. Great job!