I'm Still Me

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 20, 2007

What have I done
To upset the world?
Why does everyone treat me
Like I'm some sort of plague?
I try to be respectful
And all I ask
Is to be respected in return.
Why does it seem to be
Such a big deal?
Don't I deserve to be treated
Like a normal person,
Like everyone one else?
For f@#k's sakes!
Is it too much to ask for?
Everyone looks at me
As if I've crawled out of a hole.
What is it about me
That nobody seems to like?
All I can say is
F@#k you all -
I'm still me.

09 December 2004


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow thats very strong, its very very good and i like the style, hope your alright xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx