The Search

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 20, 2007

I had been searching for Him,
Looking in every possible place.
I had swam to the bottom of the ocean,
Climbed the highest mountain,
Only to return disappointed and alone.

Standing alone in an open field,
I called out His name,
but I got no answer.
What had I done
To make Him ignore me?

I thought back to the things I'd done
And words started entering my head:
" I hate you! "
Did I really say that to Him?
Could I truly have meant it?

I fell down on my knees
And, holding my head in my hands,
I began to cry.
What hurt could have been so much
That I would say such a thing?

As I got to my feet,
He put His arms around me
And held me tight.
I turned to face Him,
And saw the tracks of His tears.

I fell down at His feet
And begged for forgiveness.
Jesus knelt down before me,
Took my hand in His
And told me that everything was going to be fine.

I told Him I had been on a quest,
Searching in every possible place for Him,
But He told me that I had missed a spot.
I was so puzzled;
I mean totally confused.

He explained that He had followed me
Each and every step of the way,
And not once did I turn
When He called my name -
I never heard a sound!

Had I been so angry
That I actually blocked Him out?
He nodded His head as if to answer my thought.
" Where could I have missed? " I asked,
Searching through my thoughts for the answer.

Jesus smiled at me
And disappeared.
I started turning around in a circle.
Had my search begun again?
No, He was standing right behind me.

I heart had skipped a beat -
I thought I had lost Him again!
"You never lost me in the first place.
I was always right behind you,
Everywhere you went. "

I took a step closer to Jesus
And hugged Him tightly.
We then walked off into the sunset
Hand in hand -
Together forever...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Awwwwwwwwww its so sweet. well done its so ooooooooo good xxxxxxxxxxx