People are people

by MorbidCupcake   Mar 20, 2007

Its just an act
Shes trying to prove
But how you react
Decides on who she is

The clothing, her hair
Its just who she is now
Blame him for not caring
But we all know how
This costume was made

Call her names
Ignore her, or whatever
Pretend its a game
That it'll all blow over
Pretend you don't see
That this girl is me
And I'm turning into
Everything I swore Id never be

But shes OK, the girl I stand as
Shes just finding herself finally
There is no sickness that she has
She just knows who she wants to be

I never said you had to like her
I never said to play nice
Cuz this girl knows it doesn't matter
People are people inside
So go ahead and think those lies


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  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    Wow very interesting i liked it people are people to me waht makes a person i how they survive. 5/5