Comments : Far away

  • 17 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    First off, cause you said it: NICE FORESHADOWING!!!!!!!

    my analytical/deep comment begins here:

    first stanza- it's so soothing and just gentle.

    second- the transition is like ZAAPP. wake up from dreamland hun

    third- its last two lines felt rushed.

    forth- ooh. the imagery is cool. the depth in it is nice.

    the last- this poem ends beautiuflly!


    screw all typos!!! <3 =]

  • 17 years ago

    by MyDevotion

    Wow I am surprized with this! When I started reading it I thought, "hmmm I don't know it seems choppy." But as I continued on I realized that it really portrays ones feelings for another! good job! 5/5!