I remember our first day of school
We were all so eager to be there
As the years go by everything has changed
Some have lost people
Many have changed
We all still remember our primary school days
Playing kisschassy
Running and hiding from boys
Those childish fights
But we mainly remember the good times
As we grow older they slowly fade
But some never will
One we all got to high school everything changed
We all grew up in different ways
Year 8 was unforgettable
I remember my last day
The tears and the laughs
I would do anything to go back
I miss everyone so much
At my new school it was so different
It has been fun
I've had my fair share of fights, tears and laughs
It all been worth while
Year 10 is just like year 8
I wouldn't change it for the world
Everything seems so big to us now
The fights over boys
Seems such a big deal
We think that when he breaks our heart
We're never going to get over it
We all do in time
Then we move on
And it happens all over again
Its all apart of life
But I've always had those certain friends
Who have always been there
And always will be till the end