
by N J Thornton   Mar 22, 2007

A creamy tornado
mulled amongst the strawberries.
Licking my finger, I remembered
how you hated my childish paintings
with the milky slop.

A silver spoon was your tool,
you'd measure the jellied fruit
equally with the gunky yoghurt,
and complain fresh tasted past
it's sell-by date.

Our bemused expression
was our only common-ground
as we watched our pots fill
with misunderstood air.

You hated my freedom;
your habit addled me.
That's why you finished your
yoghurt and left.


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  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Haha. I agree with Jonda, I GET IT. its an unique way to tackle such a overused topic. I need to read more of your work. I need this type of inspiration. I want to write in a deeper more abstract way.

  • Now this is one i get...i absolutely loved it...it kind've reminds me of a bridled spirit...the bridle being a person...i really think it's a good poem...
    Jonda Beth

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