by Yuna
I really like this poem. It has lots of feeling, passion and component that work together to make this poem really special and well done. Great job! |
by Gasttlee
Thanks for the post and I accept the offer! Great poem by the way! 5/5 |
by Gem
I liked this one! It held such a strong message! |
by ellewen
Okay well for starters, in the 3rd stanza you put you, when I think you meant to put your*. |
by Wallace
Very good poem, it had a strong message and I really enjoyed it good work. |
by Vanessa
I liked this poem. It is well written, the flow is pecfect, and it is well penned. The emtion is strong and raw. Excellent word choice. Keep up the good work. 4/5 |
I really liked this the flow was good and the idea itself was good I just thing that you should use more metaphores in your poems and it would sound better. |
Very powerful. I really liked this, at first it didn't quite draw me in but it got me near the middle. I usually HATE questions in a poem, but for this particular piece..they worked. Great job. |
Wow this poem is so powerful and has such great emotion. i love this poem so much. i think it is on of the best i've ever read. great work.5/5 |
by Jenni Marie
I really liked this....there was just so much depth and emotion flowing through the words... |
WOW.. very touching.. and yet so blunt.. sorry Im sooo tired. but uhh I really like your choices of words it tells who you are |
by EmOToMbOy13
I really like your peom. it really sad. this peom is very powerfully!! 5/5 |
by Lemonbread
Aw, that poem was well planned, the words fit in perfectly with each other creating a heart tugging poem, 5/5 |
by JR13
Sometimes i wonder the same thing about my girlfriend but i hope what shes tellin me is not a lie. i guess i can relate to the poem (at the beggining) 5.5 |
Great job!! i really like it! |