Thank you

by JaMeS   Mar 22, 2007

Thank you for sticking around
thank you for not leaving when you could have
when you could have been with others
thanks for being so special
its said you only get 3 great women in your life
the special ones
the ones that stick around when everyones long gone
they make you happy when your surrounded by anger
and when you mess up no matter the event
they stay behind you with love and smiles
catching you when you fall and getting you back on your feet
shielding you from pain best they can
and making you laugh when everything else has failed you
to me your a special one
sometimes i don't even know why you stay
how you can put up with me
how you never seem to stop shielding me
but you do
and i just wanted you to know that id be totally utterly and completely lost without you
and in your eyes i hope I'm 1 of your 3 too


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