My True Friend

by Jesse   Mar 24, 2007

I always thought of you as a true friend
You always listened,
And agreed no matter what.
You never argued,
Or said a word
You were just there for me
When I was down or up.
Now I watch you lay there,
Helpless, and alone.
You can't move, but I know you're alive.
I watch you as your struggle.
And your friends curious to what happened.
But, theirs nothing I can do for you!
I want you to know,
I loved you from the bottom of my heart.
And I want to thank you,
For all the good sweet times we had together,
And the times we cried!
I'll never forget you!
For you were a true friend!
I'll miss you Dexter,
Even though you were just my pet fish!


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