A girls worst fear (collab)

by Leanne   Mar 24, 2007

**Collab with SoSickOfTears**

Inside is a hole
That burns with such pain
Silently in despair
Slowly going insane

Going about her day
Filled with a blank expression
How can a girl so young
Be filled with such depression?

Life became monotonous
Excitement drained away
Not recognizing, the face staring back
Looking into the mirror each day

Years went by
Friends all disappeared
Being alone like this
What she always feared

Pretending to be so perfect
Inside lied a shattered heart
Once everything was so precious
Now her worlds fallen apart

Tears upon her cheeks
Frown lines etched on her face
In this world of smiling people
She clearly has no place.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by InterviewWithTheKat

    Thats sooooooo sad!!!
    i really LOVE your style of writing!
    Keep it up!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by InterviewWithTheKat

    Thats sooooooo sad!!!
    i really LOVE your style of writing!
    Keep it up!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Angie

    You girls write well together. This is a very heartfelt write. One in which many can relate too. The rhyme and flow are perfect. Well done, keep on writing together.

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    I commented on hers. well done. the imaginary in this was great, the description even better.

    5/5 David