
by LiveLoveTy   Mar 25, 2007

We say best friends until the end.
We say forever and always.

However, the bestest of the best of friends are the ones who leave, love, and live the life that they are meant to lead.
In our hearts are where we together stand
never to run from nor to stray from.
The path that we are destined to walk on
is the path that we are destined to walk on together

We come to a cross road in our paths
Do we take the lone road
or do we take this hand in hand
I say we do neither
I say we take the road that we wish to take
We, you and I, will be the ones to dream our futures.

Keep this in your head
You are the one who I come to for understanding-
Not forgiveness nor sympathy
I come to your for the love that you show
I love you for the person you have come to be
and for the dazzling sensual God's gift to the earth that you are currently.

I wish only for the smile on your face every morning
to be real.
For the Ora of your person to have meaning
I wish for your days to be filled with happiness and joy.
I wish for us to stay the bestest of the best friends
no matter the path
nor hand in hand

Forever and Always

Dedicated to the one who makes the world spin.
Who makes the sun burn
Who is the reason many shine so bright
May your love and wisdom be shared throughout time.
I love you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Awww what a great poem. you are so talented and this person must be very special to you. keep writing xxxxxxxxxxx