Yelling, screaming, crying, help!
Tired, shame, out of breath, hurt!
Lost, confused, heart sinking, wrecked!
Hiding, peaking, when to come out, scared!
*** ***
When you think you are useless
How do you fix that?
But when someone tells you that you are useless
How are you meant to heal that?
The words seeping through her lips
Burying themselves deep into my mind
Slowly working themselves into my body
Then BAM nothing left to shine
Who do I turn to now?
The person I look up to has let me down
The feeling of disappointment
I just want to drown!
Were they necessary?
Those careless harsh words to my ears?
Did I need the aching body?
Or the wet cheeks from the pouring tears?
So slowly down I go
Sinking down to deep
Will I rise again?
Up out of the tears I weep?