I'll See Your Heart And Raise You Mine

by Gem   Mar 26, 2007

In this game of love, it's every man for himself
You have to play your cards right
(Don't rush)
Play them wisely
To have a chance of winning
The queen of hearts
(And mine)
No card game has ever been this hard
(But it's worth it)
One false move and you're out
Cheaters lose everything
(No second chances)
You have to stay focused, keep your hand steady
Be prepared to show all your cards
(Show me)
Be prepared to go all in
I'll see your heart and raise you mine
(The deciding move... do you accept?)
I'll see your heart and raise you mine




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  • 17 years ago


    I`ve really missed reading your poems Gem! .
    You`re still as amazing as you were.
    I`m gonna have to start writing again.
    This one was cute :]
    I miss your poems.

    --Shelby <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Awe this peom was cute. i liked the style you have used. tiz wonderfully written

  • 17 years ago

    by Alex

    This one's so cool! And unique.

  • 17 years ago

    by Chained4ever

    I love to read your work it makes me want to write even more. i loved this poem bcuz u took something from life and made it into something of love.
    I hope you keep writing forever,

    Chained 4ever

  • 17 years ago

    by Midnight Sun

    Comment #1~
    Ok, I know you told me to comment on your latest, but this title just drew me in and I couldn't help but do this one...it was such a GREAT idea...I love original poems that don't sound like you're working too hard at them. You handled this very nicely, keep it up! :)
    ~Midnight Sun