Best of the best is what I strive to be
A legacy is what I am trying to leave
Say goodbye to the past the future ishere at last
A Second coming a new beginning
A Born warrior is what I am
If I fall I just get up and try again
If I tried I just get up and try again
Tired of being runner up I coming up
I ready for whatever you put infront of me
Blood, sweat and tears I have dripped all 3 just to get here
No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanish
Hard work pays off you get what you put in
So why stop now gotta keep pushing
I am in a fight to the finish so why not fight til I finish
My life has been full of pain now is the time for glory
I am the author of my life decide how it is
I will never fail because I try
I will never quit until I die