A Lesson Learnt

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 27, 2007

Once again you came
Back into my life.
But why?
I don't understand
Why you keep coming back
If you're just going to hurt me.

It's because I'm gullible,
Full of hope,
Full of love
For someone who just
Doesn't give a sh@t.
I know I put myself
In this situation,
But I just keep hoping that you will
Finally grow up
And be serious about some things in life.

But it seems like an impossible
Thing to hope for.
Why do I continue to want you?
Do I never learn?
You have hurt me time after time after time
And still I fall for your lies.
When will I learn?
Will I ever learn?
Will we ever be
As we were once before?
You haunt my dreams,
My thoughts,
My hopes.

All I ever wanted
Was to know if you ever loved me,
But the answer seems apparent -
You could never love anyone
But yourself!

22 April 2005


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  • 17 years ago

    by Romancing the Darker Side

    I think the title was rather clever, and the free-verse style of this poem was refreshing and nice. The small pieces of repetition,
    "Full of hope,
    Full of love" Were nice, and gave the poem a rounder feel.