Angel of Death

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 27, 2007

The lion cub watches
As her mother
Brings a buffalo bull down.
Seeing her mother struggling,
She inches forward
Wanting to help
Keep the big animal down.

Licking her lips hungrily,
She waits for the rest to join.
She struggles and pushes,
Fighting to get in.
Finally she squeezes in,
But much to her older sibling's disgust.
He grabs her by the ear,
Pulls her to the side
And closes his strong jaws
On her neck,
Killing her instantly.

As she lay bleeding on the ground
Tears rolled down my face.
Why does nature
Have to be so harsh?
Why can't they live together in harmony?

I picked up her lifeless body,
Her blood staining my white gown,
And I cursed my name
As I am
The Angel of Death.

12 July 2005


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