The Innocence of Youth

by Karl Wild GG23   Mar 28, 2007

A young woman who just turned sixteen,
Feels the pressures of this fast paced world,
Her friends are all about the party scene,
While she's still Daddy's little girl.

She wants to make her own decisions,
Knowing some choices will be mistakes,
See's her future in the clearest of visions,
While understanding once is all it takes.

If she gives up her innocence of youth,
She knows that it'll be gone forever,
Why trade in one of life's purest truth's,
For a boy who doesn't care whatsoever.

I mean he tells you that he loves you,
And no matter what he'll always be there,
But I don't believe he even has a clue,
He just wants your innocence I swear.

He'll tell you whatever he needs to say,
Just to inch his way a little closer,
Your so called love he'll soon betray,
In the end he'll just be another poser.

So please follow your virgin heart,
Do not mistake his lies for truth,
All he's wanted from the very start,
Is your sacred innocence of youth.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Victoria

    Great message,
    I would of liked to read this at 16!
    Well, put.
    Keep up the great work!

  • 13 years ago

    by mira

    a very beatiful way of writing
    i told you before you're tallented and this poem shows that
    this is a very interessted idea you write about well done

  • 13 years ago

    by mira

    a very beatiful way of writing
    i told you before you're tallented and this poem shows that
    this is a very interessted idea you write about well done

  • 15 years ago

    by lost in lovee

    I really liked this poem. It's something that all young girls should read. I know I was stupid and let the guy get to me, and I know I would take it back if I could. This poem is really inspirational you should try and get it in a book or something for teenage girls. I really enjoyed reading this. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by ashley

    Nice message.
    good job